Saturday, July 27, 2013

Madrid, the gateway country.

 I read somewhere that during an exploration it is best to be alone.

Stumbling upon this opinion, i nodded in agreement, to myself, of course.


  1. Having no one else present; on one's own.
  2. Without others' help or participation; single-handed.

lone - single - lonely - lonesome - sole - solitary

Alone you are aware. 

You see things.

You don't look down as much,
because there is no one looking up for you.

You are never really alone,
because when you are alone-
it just means that you are together,
with everyone else who is also

This makes you approachable.


  1. Friendly and easy to talk to.
  2. (of a place) Able to be reached from a particular direction or by a particular means.

accessible - available - come-at-able - pervious

Exploration Madrid.

You can go anywhere in the world if you start in Madrid.

Let it be known that on this particular exploration stress levels were high.

There was one big street and many little streets coming off that one big street.

I took a little one.

The way the light hit this pink building was striking.

so i stayed a while.

I wanted to capture it exactly, i wanted to show all of you.

i took my time.

And that's when it happened.

The man from India.

With his broken English and my small Spanish we were now two people being alone together.

He asked me about my picture,

I told him, and then he told me

that he didn't like it.

and that's when i knew we could be friends and probably already were.

From what my exploration guide book taught me i could tell he was thinking the same thing.

there was also the next part.

"Whats wrong with you" he said,

"Why are you so sad. Your so tight.

Whats the matter with you.

Your energy," he said

"its all wrong."

My eyes said it all but just in case they didnt I said,

how did you know.

and with that this man from India took my hand and led me through the streets of Madrid.

"Il fix you" he said.

"i lived in India" he said, "i was a massage therapist there" 

he took my hand and started down the streets of Madrid.

Iv seen Taken and half of Taken 2.

That shit is real.

I quickly made an excuse as to why i could not go on.

"its fine" he said.

"il fix you here"

and so we sat.

in a door way.

and he began to fix.

He gave me a massage right there.

or tried,

he took my head in his hands.

and came in real close...

thinking he was going to kiss me i pulled away fast.

Thats when he told me.

You are very pretty but i dont like girls.

Thats not how he said it but my grandma reads my blog.

He pointed to his eyes.

then to mine

He pointed to his heart.

And then motioned to the whole world.

"The eyes are the window to the soul."

he said.

He kissed my four head and was gone.

It was then that i realized we are carrying around some pretty big energy. Whether it is good energy or bad energy... we share it with other people.

And that is neat.

but also scary.



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